I’m Suzi B, a mental wellbeing coach, trainer & author, specialising in mental & emotional resilience. My passion is helping you to lead a happier, more fulfilled life.


I believe we all experience trauma at some point in our lives and we deal with a rainbow of emotions that can often unravel, leaving us unsure how to piece everything back together. 

When we heal, learn, love, connect and receive intervention, we are ensuring past events do not negatively affect our own life now and future generations.

It’s easy to change when we know how.

Change is a choice, it’s a one-second decision away.


Using NLP, Hypnosis, Timeline Therapy and Mindfulness techniques, I help empower you to create more freedom so that you can thrive in life, improve mindset and positively support yourself to navigate through any change. 

I offer bespoke packages taking you from stressed, anxious, confused, overwhelmed and overworked to leading an overall happier, more joyful life.

Developing skills, mindset, freedom, clarity and confidence to help you mentally and emotionally thrive.

View my coaching packages to learn more how I can help you best >>>

My Story

When I was 11, we moved from London to the sunny south coast of England, just in time to start secondary school and as much as I loved school, I’d always found it difficult to learn in a conventional way. It was then at the age of 15, just before sitting GCSEs I was told I was dyslexic which explained a lot. I now see this as my super power as it enabled me to creative problem solve from a very young age which helps me in my work to this very day.

Like most people, my childhood came with its fair share of ups and downs, from depression, drugs, alcohol, bullying, conflict, dysfunction and arguing. There was always a closed book policy which emanated throughout. I am sure this is a generational behaviour and was experienced by many households.

That being said, I always felt very loved and protected and that gave me the resilience I needed to pull through. From a very young age through all the complications, I felt I was born lucky and born to love. Whenever things got hard I would surrender to loving myself and nurturing my own needs and positively affirming the love for all.

We’re always consistently being triggered in life, as everything is a relationship and an energy or a lesson to learn. So rather than seeing these memories as flaws or limitations - who’s to blame or find fault, we can see how much it has helped us choose how we want to live. For me it taught me how I want my family to be and how I want to be as a mum, wife and friend. No one truly wants to live a life of hardship, negativity, fear and a sad limiting story, do they?

The path that led me to my career now started at a very young age, when I was 12 to be exact. I got a job in the local care home for the elderly, providing social contact and activities. I then went on to work with those with learning disabilities and volunteered with the youth offending team as a mentor to young offenders.

I’ve continued to study and have been learning ever since school, working towards my calling, which I first deeply felt connected to at the age of 20. This was when I started my Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) journey and love for all things NLP and Hypnotherapy. This gave me the techniques on how to manage thoughts, behaviours and emotions and be able to positively influence, support others, and build stronger relationships.

I now help people turn fears, limiting beliefs and negative conditioning into love, trust and a deep respect for the life they aspire to live. I teach you how to rewrite your story and then use your new story to empower and grow, experiencing the life you truly desire to live with complete confidence, without the pain and sacrifice. I guide you to self-empowerment, freedom and to thrive as you create and connect to more love for yourself and what you want in life.

My Favourite Things:

♡My hot hubby, G - just love him! ♡The beach & ocean ♡The moon

♡Friends ♡Festivals ♡Cooking ♡Pampering ♡Crystals ♡Meditation

♡Being Creative ♡Music ♡Dancing ♡Personal Development

Proudest Achievement :
My two beautiful boys, Woody and Jasper

  • 2020 – Get the life you want – Hypnotherapy Training

    2019 – Mindfulness Practitioner training

    2018 – Resilience Training with West Sussex County Council

    2012 – Emotional Freedom Techniques – level 1 & 2 training

    2008 – Master Practitioner in Neuro-linguistic programming (INLPTA)

    2008 – Practitioner in Hypnotherapy of the American Board

    2007 – Practitioner in Neuro-linguistic programming (NLPTA)

    2004 – Action in Mentoring (OCN)

    2003 – Certificate in Life Coaching – Newcastle University

    2003 – Diploma in Neuro-linguistic Programming

    2003 – RSA Counselling Skills in the Development of Learning

    1997 – GNVQ Health and Social Care


“Suzi worked with me to see many aspects of my life and at 53 years old I believe I love myself for the first time in my life and have found my self-worth. It feels wonderful to be at peace with oneself, with life and accept aspects of my life that I can’t change and enjoy so much that I can.”

- G A I L I E