Start your self-love journey here

SELF-LOVE ~ is the action you take in prioritising your wellness, without compromise and honouring the life YOU want to live ~ Suzi B

I believe cultivating self love could be the greatest medicine of all and could heal a nation. This is why I am on a massive mission to remind everyone the importance of SELF-LOVE, as it is the centre to our wellness, mental health and wellbeing.

For us to truly thrive in life we have to take time each day to connect with our hearts desires. We need to view life through the lens of love, practice compassion and self-love for ourselves, others and our environment.

We’ve all most likely heard the saying ‘no one will love you until you love yourself’…. Well I do not believe this to be true. The truth is, the more you show love to yourself, the more love you will attract and see. This form of love will act like a magnet, radiating love and light from within. It can then act like a feedback loop, weaving its way through all areas of your life.

For us to succeed in life, we have to create balance for our own needs and take time to fill our hearts with joy. Not just in time of desperation, but more consistent daily releases of these feel good hormones and endorphins.

This isn’t about vanity – it’s about sanity. It does not matter how successful you are, how rich you are, where you live, what you look like, or how you choose to spend your time here. What matters is how you choose to live. If you’re not adopting and prioritising good self-love, as a daily practice, you’ll never truly feel connected or appreciate all of what you have, successfully thrive in relationships and sustain your mental and emotional wellbeing

I’ve had first-hand experience of this and seen my clients achieve great results in their life’s just by taking time out to indulge is SELF-LOVE. This helps with anxiety, depression, overwhelm, self-esteem, confidence, a greater connection to life, more choice and clearer decision making, more fulling relationships and more balance is all areas of their life.

I would say growing up I was extremely resilient and whenever life seemed crazy, I would tuck myself away and focus my mind into something self-giving, self- care, self nurturing and self-loving. This was my way of coping and since becoming a parent I saw the importance of this and started to create ‘time out’ some ‘me time’ every day for myself, in order to be fully able to give to myself ,my family and others.

Self-love means that you accept yourself fully, treat yourself with kindness and respect, and nurture your growth and wellbeing, every day, not just when the going gets tough. This improves our wellbeing, helps us get in touch with ourselves and increase our overall happiness, all together. This also helps us to live in the NOW and take more mindful action that’s in alignment with our hearts desire.

So where to start and how you can increase your daily SELF-LOVE practice…

Here’s 40 SELF-LOVE easy actions to get you going…

•          Give yourself a big hug, remind yourself how truly lovable you are

•           Look into the mirror and notice all you best qualities

•           Breathe in forgiveness and breathe out forgiveness

•           Self soothe your amazing skin and appreciate your body

•           Open your heart and value your past

•           Dream BIG – define what you want

•           Rewire you mind with positive daily affirmations

•           LOVE OVERLOAD – affirm the things you love about you and life 

•           Prioritise SELF-LOVE Rituals and Routines every AM & PM

•           Nourish your soul for optimum health

•           Increase you water intake to boost overall health

•           Take a luxurious bath – any time of day

•           Reduce your screen time

•           Read a good book for pleasure

•           Gather with loved ones

•           Connect to Nature

•           Declutter your life

•           Find your ‘Good Enough ROCK’

•           MOVE your body – plan in exercise

•           Learn something new and exciting

•           Celebrate your wins

•           Help in your community

•           Be kind – fill your own cup up first

•           Connect and look after your environment

•           Learn to say NO, when we really mean NO

•           Say YES to more of the things you really want

•           Indulge in some pampering and self-care

•           Enjoy more of the finer things in life

•           Give up the need for approval

•           Step out of your comfort zone

•           Connect more to your happy place

•           Trust your self more and control less

•           Protect your energy and establish boundaries

•           Gain clarity by detox all of your life and relationships

•           Explore your spiritual journey and expand your sense of purpose

•           Always take positive action and find more joy in the now

•           Fall in love with the power of journaling

•           Create the ultimate night-time routines

•           If you want more love in your life, then share more love

And there it is, something to get you started. It was my intention to share with you some inspiration and motivation, on how you can simply create more abundance through SELF-LOVE, hopefully helping you choose to respond to life and your mind, body and soul, in a more loving, nurturing, kind and gentle way.

This is a reminder that a little effort, just 60 minutes of SELF-LOVE practice every day, can sustain you, mentally and emotionally, in all areas of you life. If you want more love in life, then share more love, be the love you wish to receive, reach out to those you love and lead the way with unconditional love, making SELF-LOVE your unique imprint…

Please reach out if you have any questions with the above and please share this article with anyone who you think needs to make more time for themselves.

Always live in the light of love.

Much Love for now

Suzi B xxxx



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