Thriving After Lockdown

LIFE, I’m coming for you! 

Life after lockdown will feel a little different but that doesn’t mean to say we cant thrive again. You may already be feeling burned-out, overwhelmed, stressed, or tired, or are starting to head that way? Then if that’s not bad enough, on top of all the lockdowns, many of us may experience vitamin D defiance or Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), this pesky black cloud of depression rears its ugly head. SAD symptoms can often include lack of energy, feeling worthless or despair, a persistent low mood, or irritability.

Given all the changes and this difficult time in the world, many of us may also be feeling lost, frustrated, upset or experiencing more anxiety than normal. I want to tell you it doesn’t have to be this way, because the truth is, this day (and tomorrow and the next day) is a new opportunity to breathe deep, love and trust yourself, experience new things, feel the pure magic in life and soothe your soul. It’s the perfect time for self-love, to nurture yourself and make some changes that will bring greater joy into your life, for the rest of your life.  


I want to help you focus on positivity, love, mindset, mental wellbeing and emotional resilience, so that you can actually THRIVE right now and not just feel like you’re only about surviving. Believe it or not we can choose, we have a choice, and our actions will determine this. And it’s not hard. It really isn’t. It will just require an hour of commitment from you each week, a will to change and I guarantee you’ll see amazing transformational results in many areas of your life. Don’t believe me? This is a testimonial from a new client of mine:

‘I was stuck in a rut, watching hours of Netflix each week, not exercising, I tried to be positive, but couldn’t see the wood through the trees some days. I knew I had to do something about it before it got worse. After just a week working with Suz I felt better, we worked through some simple exercises and techniques which helped me turn my way of thinking around completely. I now have maybe one slightly bad day a month instead of 30. I get up early, exercise, and each day, I spend an hour learning something new rather than watching trashy TV (although I still allow myself this from time to time, we’re all human). I’ve been doing this for two months now and feel like a different person. I know if I can do it, anyone can’

This turn around took only a couple of weeks, sometimes it takes longer, we’re all different, but the point is, that the sun is always still shining behind those grey clouds, you still have love in your heart, we just have to remind ourselves of that. This is the same with mental wellbeing, your life can be positive and wonderful, you just have to allow yourself to believe this and focus on the positives in life rather than the negatives, and this isn’t always easy and takes practice and technique, but my THRIVE solution formula really works. I talk about some of the techniques in my latest book Born to Love. We are all born to love ourselves and others, and it’s not until we realise that and let love into our lives, that we can be truly fulfilled. 

Four times a year, I will be working with a limited number of people to transform mindsets, look at daily habits, and improve and maintain mental wellbeing and wellness in my THRIVE SOLUTION course.

Let’s use this time to be the best versions of ourselves, confident, thriving and creating soulful wellness from within. If you feel you want to gain control of emotions, mental wellbeing and want to live a happier more fulfilled life, then join me for one hour a week over the four week course (every TUESDAY at 9:30-10:30am) for a live coaching session where I will guide you through exercises and techniques to help live your best life. All you need is a computer or phone, access to ZOOM, a notebook and pen. 

You will achieve the amazing results as if working 121 with me, plus I’m also going to GIFT you a free copy of my book ‘Born to Love’. This course is held four times a year (March, June, Sept, Dec), with limited spaces. You can add yourself to the waiting list here.

If you want to invest in your mental wellbeing, learn what it means to truly thrive and live a more fulfilled life then join this THRIVE SOLUTION course.

Mental Health isn’t a problem, it’s the priority 

Please contact me if you have any questions?


Suzi xxxx


How to have a Brilliant Blue Monday


Start your self-love journey here